
Dieser Blog soll eine Art Sammelalbum darstellen, ich werde mich hier also nicht auf ein bestimmtes Gebiet spezialiseren.

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Geboren im Jahr 1989 in der schönen Stadt Wien im Alpenland Österreich, genannt Pauline, aufgewachsen größtenteils in Frankens Christkindlesmarkt-Stadt Nürnberg, die Schule im Jahre 2008 abgeschlossen mit dem Abitur und ein 6-monatiges Praktikum im Fotostudio für Werbefotografie drehmomente.de drangehängt. Und jetzt bewerbe ich mich an diversen FHs für Fotografie bzw. Fotodesign und mache hauptberuflich nahezu nichts.

Zum Abschied haben mich die Mitarbeiter in besagtem Fotostudio so beschrieben:

Pauline B. is a very interesting woman and we enjoyed very much to work with her. We are sure, she will be happy, famous and rich. She was very often our sunshine and we won’t forget company christmas party with her. She is also a good fellow for snowball fights. She worried daily about our stomachs and we could be sure, latest at 11 0′clock to get enough food. We saw, for herself it was also very important, although she is a very slim, pretty woman. She liked to show it with various apparels, we loved especial her short skirts and knee lenght boots. Certainly, it was always hard for the photographers to work in usual time then. Sometimes they don’t know whether to photograph her or the bust. Normally she smiled all day long. But without sweeties we couldn’t leave her. Then her face gets sadly every hour. In the morning she came exact in time with red skin because of the cold outside. She is tough enough to go by bike during every wheather. Minus degrees don’t frighten her off. Sarah was very pleased to be with her in the dark, warm, comfortable tent(Bildbearbeitung). She gave her a lot to do, Pauline doesn’t hesitate to sit there for hours (but chocolate has to be there). Pauline, we will miss you!